Installing Postgres on Linux Mint

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Recently I needed to install and setup Postgres on my system for a side project. Here are the steps I followed to get it working on my machine.

## Check For Version Installed:
lsb_release -a
It will give you output like this.

OS Release

Once this is done we run:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Click enter when prompted.

Postgres uses "roles" to handle authorization.

Switch to Postgres prompt :

sudo -u postgres psql

To exit the prompt, you use:

\q or, Control + D

So, now we have a postgres role configured in our database. We can create new roles

sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive

It will prompt you:

Enter name of role to add: test
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y/n

We need to set up a password:

sudo -u postgres psql postgres
Enter your password twice.

To check what users are there, from outside the prompt:

psql postgres -tAc "SELECT * FROM pg_roles"

or from inside the prompt:

SELECT * FROM pg_roles

Another assumption postgres makes is that there will be a database with same name as the role used for login. So we create a new databse:

From inside the postgres db:
createdb test
From outside:
sudo -u postgres createdb test

To login as the user:

sudo -u test psql

If you want your user to connect to a different database:

psql -d dbName

To check connection information:

test-# \conninfo

You can also install pgAdmin III, it is essential if you are a beginner:

sudo apt-get install pgadmin3

Sometimes, you will get an error :

1. psql: FATAL : database "name" does not exist

To solve this, you have to create a new database with the name that you are using to login

2. sudo: unknown user: test
   sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin

To solve this, you have to add a matching linux user:

sudo adduser test

That’s it for now, you can go on ahead and create a few tables.That deserves another post of its own.